NVTC, Synaptitude, Member Companies Deliver Assessment on Arlington National Cemetery Process and Technology Solutions

by | Feb 1, 2011 | News, News2011

Report Addresses Current Process and Technology Challenges, Recommends Solutions to Improve Cemetery Operations

VIENNA, Va. – February 1, 2011 – The Northern Virginia Technology Council (NVTC) announced today that it had delivered a final report to Army Secretary John McHugh based on its pro bono assessment of the processes and technology challenges at Arlington National Cemetery (ANC). NVTC’s assessment, which contains recommendations to improve Cemetery operations, was conducted at the request of Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.), who sought a remedy to the major record-keeping deficiencies at ANC.

The report, which combines a thorough review of best practices with on-site observations of ANC operations and processes, makes recommendations to address immediate challenges, optimize cemetery operations and facilitate long-term excellence at Arlington National Cemetery. The report also includes a detailed analysis of the current state of business processes and technology, proposed structure, business processes and technology for the immediate and long-term future, and a high-level roadmap for implementing these recommendations.

Conducted over a three-month period, specific recommendations outlined in the NVTC Assessment Report include:

  • Establish and implement rigorous processes and procedures for maintaining end-to-end chain of custody that ensures standardized, accountable and secure management of remains, including a documented audit trail and implementing proven in-transit-tracking technology
  • Institute a holistic case management methodology, including digitized historical data and records, call center capability, workflow management and improved data/records management
  • Create and maintain a culture of high-performance and personal accountability for the entire ANC workforce through establishing a clear vision and mission for the organization
  • Implement an improved automated scheduling and event planning capability, while leveraging eligibility determination services available from the National Cemetery Administration
  • Assign an accountable and empowered project manager who is reinforced by a robust governance structure

The members of the NVTC Arlington National Cemetery Task Force are: Synaptitude Consulting, Booz Allen Hamilton, MITRE, SAIC, Blue Canopy, CGI Federal, Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), CSC, The George Washington University, HP, Lee Technologies, Northfield Consulting Group, Salient Federal Solutions, SoltecOne, Unanet and Vistronix.

“These NVTC partners have stepped-up in a big way to help us map a future course that will correct a variety of challenges and set Arlington National Cemetery on a path to more fully honor our nation’s heroes and better serve their families,” Senator Warner said. “Some of the best minds from our leading companies generously offered the time and expertise of their most creative people for this project, and I thank the NVTC for its willingness to work with us through this remarkable example of responsible corporate citizenship.”

View the Executive Summary of the report >>