Consumer Advocacy Dynamic Pricing IT Analysis
The Utility Consumers’ Action Network (UCAN) is non-profit, public interest consumer advocacy group. UCAN advocates for consumers in the energy, gasoline, telecommunications and water industries.
Project Overview & Objectives
Synaptitude, as part of a multi-consultancy project team, was engaged by UCAN as Smart Grid technology Subject Matter Experts to prepare expert testimony. Expert testimony is prepared in response to a utilities’ application, in this case a General Rate Case (GRC) application, and is submitted to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC).
Our Involvement
Synaptitude, as part of a multi-consultancy project team, evaluated of the Smart Grid infrastructure projects outlined in the San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) 2012 General Rate Case (GRC) application. SDG&E grouped its proposed Smart Grid projects into three areas: Renewable Growth, Electric Vehicle Growth, and Reliability. Synaptitude researched Plug-In Electric Vehicles and Public Access Charging Facilities, and formulated recommendations on SDG&E’s proposed projects in those areas. Synaptitude reviewed assessments by utilities engineering consultants on specific smart grid technologies, products and project costs, and formulated testimony recommendations. Synaptitude analyzed SDG&E’s project costs and calculated revised cost estimates based on project recommendations. Synaptitude wrote data requests and work papers on behalf of UCAN and helped to organize, write and review the final testimony deliverable.
Results and Benefits
As a result of this project, the UCAN was able to recommend alternative approaches to SDG&E’s GRC application, potentially resulting in tens of millions of dollars in savings to the State of California and California residents.